Navigating Michigan’s Unemployment Insurance System

Our unemployment insurance work would not be possible without the generous support of:

  • the Michigan State Bar Foundation,

  • the Dresner Foundation, and

  • the Family & Workers Fund.

We thank each for their continuing support!


Resources for Federal Civil Servants Facing Mass LAyoffs

“Economic insecurity due to unemployment is a serious menace
to the health, morals, and welfare of the people of this state.
— The Michigan Employment Security Act of 1936



This video provides an introduction to Michigan’s unemployment insurance system, including on overview of benefits provided and how to claim them.


Claimants frequently encounter eligibility issues when claiming benefits. This video describes who is eligible for benefits, how to maintain your eligibility for benefits, and discusses issues that common arises when eligibility is contested.

The State’s Online System

The state’s unemployment insurance agency heavily relies on an online system to process claims for benefits and communicate with claimants. That system is called MiWAM. This video overviews that system and discusses common issues faced when navigating MiWAM>

Involuntary unemployment…requires action by the legislature
to prevent its spread and to lighten its burden which so often falls
with crushing force upon the unemployed worker and his family
— The Michigan Employment Security Act of 1936



The systematic accumulation of funds…to be used for
the benefit of persons unemployed through no fault of their own…
is for the public good, and the general welfare of the people of this state.
— The Michigan Employment Security Act of 1936